Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Admission to doctoral studies

Admission to doctoral made one every year - 21-25 August.    

Project plans for admission to doctoral studies by state order are developed by the relevant departments, approved by the deans and submitted to the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies annually - until December 20, for further consideration and approval by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.   

Preparation for doctoral studies is carried out:

1) at the expense of:

funds of the State Budget Ukraine - for public order to work in the field of education;

funds of legal and physical entities - the conditions of the contract - to work in the public and the private sectors of the economy;

2) foreigners and persons without citizenship on the basis of:

contracts concluded by higher education institutions, scientific institutions, legal entities and individuals.

Persons who previously held a full course of study in the doctoral studies for public order, and also expelled from it early on committed illegal actions, do not have a right of re-entry to the doctorate by funds of the State Budget Ukraine.

Duration of study: 2 years.

Admission to doctoral studies - from September 01.   

Doctoral students are entitled to: 

    use the scientific-production, scientific, cultural-sports, health-improving base of the university;

   to receive all kinds of scientific information and scientific advice;

   to provide dormitory.

For more details, check out the link

The list of specialties constant current doctorate

CodeThe field of knowledgeCodeСпеціальність
05Social and Behavioral Sciences051Economics
07Management and Administration073Management
10Natural Sciences103Science of the Ground
12Information Technology122Data Science
13Mechanical Engineering131Applied Mechanics
133Industry Engineering
14Electrical Engineers141Electricity, Electrical engineering and Electro mechanics
15Automation and Instrumentation151Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies
18Production and Technology184Mining
26Civil Security263Civil Security

Cost of preparation at the expense of individuals and legal entities:

Form of training

I year of preparation, UAH

II year of preparation, UAH


Doctoral degree
( full -time )
16 95017 25034 200





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